Childhood Anxiety: What happens during Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Parents can become frustrated when searching for effective therapeutic treatment for childhood anxiety. Parents want to know what works and what their child will experience. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one type of therapy for children which directly addresses the behaviors kids exhibit. When anxiety starts, CBT gives kids concrete strategies to employ. Today psychologist and mom, Dr. Leah Murphy gives us an example of cognitive behavioral therapy treatment and how it involves the patient’s family and community.

Naline Lai, MD and Julie Kardos, MD


We all experience anxiety at times; anxiety can help us get things done (e.g., study for a test, finish a project, complete things in time for deadlines) and inform us that something is wrong. However, frequent, moderate to high levels of childhood anxiety both prevent, and interfere with, enjoyment and success in the school, home, and social arenas, resulting in a poorer quality of life. Wanting to improve your child’s anxiety and stress without “pushing them” much? You could have a look about at what summer activities for kids might be able to help manage their anxieties.


The experience of Connor, an 11 year-old boy, is a good example of how children can experience and show social and separation anxiety, as well as of how psychologists help children with anxiety.



Connor constantly worried. When he came to school Connor clung to his mother. At bedtime, Connor was unable to fall asleep without a parent staying with him, and he would often wake up and go into his parents’ room in the middle of the night. He even felt uncomfortable talking to other children. He constantly worried that kids would not like him and that he would “do something” that would cause the other children to tease him. He would avoid other children, and as a result, he had very few friends. He felt sad and lonely. Connor’s social and separation anxiety also manifested in physical symptoms. He felt nauseous, tired, suffered headaches and stomach aches, and experienced panic attacks in social situations. At school, Connor failed to concentrate on his work. Anger ensued when he felt pressure to perform anxiety provoking acts.

To help Conner, his pediatrician determined Conner had anxiety but no other medical condition and referred Conner to us for therapy. Our initial therapy sessions focused on teaching him how to to identify and express his feelings. During these sessions he created a feelings dictionary book and a feelings collage.

During the next set of sessions, Connor learned relaxation skills (deep breathing and muscle relaxation), positive coping thinking (“I can do this, the chance of something bad happening is very small, the chance of something good happening is very big”), and problem solving skills to help him to identify and implement solutions to the problems that made him nervous. Most sessions were conducted individually, but his parents participated in these sessions at times to learn the skills and to establish a plan for practicing and using these skills outside of our sessions. Also, I conducted parent-only and family meetings helped his parents cope with their own stress and anxiety about Connor’s difficulties.

During the last part of the skills based therapy, Connor used his skills in the situations which made him anxious. Starting with the least anxiety provoking situations, he gradually worked into more anxiety provoking situations. He practiced asking a teacher for a pencil, asking a waiter for a napkin/straw, introducing himself to a new peer, giving answers in class, asking a teacher for help, and going to swim lessons/baseball. We made a list of coping strategies (think positive, deep breathing, muscle relaxation, use problem solving steps, ask an adult for support/help) that he could use when overcoming anxiety provoking situations. He hung this list in his room and sometimes took it with him in his pocket or backpack. Apparently it was a lot of help to him.


Connor’s parents and school/camp staff prompted and reinforced his use of these skills in anxiety provoking situations. Connor had a point chart in which he earned points for using his skills and doing anxiety provoking activities. When he earned a sufficient number of points, he would pick a privilege from the privilege list that he created with his parents. Parent-only meetings during this time further assisted his parents cope with the discomfort and distress that they experienced when Connor began engaging in situations that caused him anxiety.


Additionally, Connor participated in a social skills group for children experiencing anxiety. Therapy groups are a great way for children to practice social skills while in a small group setting under supervision. The group practiced relaxation skills, as well as introduction/greeting and conversation skills. The group also learned skills to make friends.


In response to the therapy, all of Connor’s anxiety symptoms stopped over the course of 9-12 months, and his mood changed from anxious and fearful to calm and happy much of the time. He successfully attended school, participated in camp and after school programs, participated in social and recreational activities with children, and established friendships.


Sometimes, other strategies are needed to alleviate anxiety, including medication. Your pediatrician is able to provide information about medication options.

Leah Murphy, Psy.D.

Center for Psychology and Counseling


© 2010 Two Peds in a Pod

(introduction modified 10:48a.m. October 13, 2010)

Organic fruit and veggies: health or hype?

Two Peds in a Pod turns today to guest blogger Dr. Alan Woolf, Director of the Pediatric Environmental Health Center at Children’s Hospital Boston and president-elect  of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, to tackle the question, “Should you feed your kids organic fruits and vegetables?”


Nutritionists are urging parents to feed kids one and one-half cups of fruit and two and one-half cups of vegetables daily and the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests whole fruit rather than juice to meet most of the daily fruit requirements. 


 Are they worth it? Will non-organic produce harm your kid? No easy answers here. American consumers demand a bountiful supply of blemish-free, perfect fruits and vegetables. We want unspotted shiny red apples, brightly colored large oranges and arrow-straight asparagus. Farmers want to give us just that. Since pests attack crops causing blemishes, worms, blight, and other forms of costly crop damage, farmers have been using pesticides for years to increase crop yield, profit, and visual marketability. 


The US Dept of Agriculture (USDA) regulates the agricultural procedures and labeling that use the buzz word organic. Obviously every business wants to put that word on their product if it means consumers will run out and buy it. The USDA will certify farms that use organic methods. But even the USDA’s definition of organic allows a percentage of synthetic chemicals to be added to products labeled organic. Also organic does not mean that the food contains increased amounts of essential minerals and vitamins or is more nutritious for you. And remember that organic produce doesn’t necessarily come from small, cuddly, local, family-run farms. Most large, international agribusinesses are touting organic foods for sale these days.





That being said, you still need to be cautious. In pediatrics we often invoke the “precautionary principle.” The idea is that if you don’t exactly know what a chemical will do to a child’s health because there aren’t enough scientific studies out there, then you assume that what it is capable of is bad and so, if possible, try not to expose them, just as a precaution. 


When you can, buy from local farms or stands where you can ask them their growing practices, or else just grow your own. If you decide to buy organic foods, you should eat them right away. They may not stay edible as long without preservatives. Again, no matter what type of food you buy, wash, wash, wash.


Finally, alternative “greener” farming techniques, integrated pest management (IPM), and more resistant varieties of plants have increased crop yields, in many cases without using as much pesticide. That’s good news for all of us. Breeding of genetically-engineered plants require less use of pesticides, but they may not be acceptable to most consumers. That’s a whole column in itself!


The bottom line: My wife and I will try to buy organic foods when we think of it, but we don’t obsess over it when we forget. 


Alan Woolf, MD, MPH, FAACT, FAAP

Director, Pediatric Environmental Health Center, Children’s Hospital Boston

© 2010 Two Peds in a Pod®

Fact or fiction? A flu vaccine quiz for all teachers, babysitters, parents, and anyone else who breathes on children

A few days ago, I spoke with the faculty of a local early childhood education center about flu vaccine myths. See how you do on the true and false quiz I gave them:


I can tell when I am getting the flu and will leave work before I infect anyone.

False. According to the CDC (US Center for Disease Control), you are infectious the day before symptoms show up.

I never get the flu so it’s not necessary to get the vaccine. 

False. Saying I’ve never had the flu is like saying, “I’ve never a car accident so I won’t wear my seat belt.”


I hate shots. I hear I can get a flu vaccine in a different form.

True.  One flu vaccine, brand name Flu Mist, provides immunity when squirted in the nose. Non-pregnant, healthy people aged 2-49 years of age qualify for this type of vaccine.


I got the flu shot so I was healthy all year.

False. Perhaps it was the half-hour a day you added to your workout, or the surgical mask you wore to birthday parties, but your entirely healthy winter was not secondary just to the flu vaccine.  The United States flu vaccine protects against several strains of flu predicted to cause illness this winter. This year’s vaccine contain both seasonal and the 2009 H1N1 strains. Your body builds up a defense (immunity) only against the strains covered in the vaccine. Immunity will not be conferred to the thousands of other viruses which exist. On the other hand, the vaccine probably did protect you from some forms of the flu, and two fewer weeks of illness feels great.

My friend got the flu shot last year, therefore, she was sick all winter.

My condolences. True, your friend was sick. But the answer is False, because the illnesses were not caused by the flu vaccine.  Vaccines are not real germs, so you can’t “get” a disease from the vaccine. But to your body, vaccine proteins appear very similar to real germs and your immune system will respond by making protection against the fake vaccine germ. When the real germ comes along, pow, your body already has the protection to fend off the real disease. Please know, however, there is a chance that for a couple days after a vaccine, you will ache and have a mild fever. The reason? Your immune system is simply revving up. But no, the flu vaccine does not give you an illness.


I got the flu vaccine every year for the past decade. I will still need to get one this year.

True. Unfortunately, the flu strains change from year to year. Previous vaccines may not protect you against current germs.


I am a healthy adult and not at high risk for complications from the flu, so I will forgo the flu vaccine this year.

False. The flu vaccine is now recommended for everyone greater than 6 months of age. When supply is limited, targeted groups at risk for flu complications include all children aged 6 months–18 years, all persons aged ≥50 years, and persons with medical conditions that put them at risk for medical complications.   These persons, people living in their home, their close contacts, and their CARETAKERS are the focus of vaccination. 

Even if I get the flu, I’ll just wash my hands a lot to keep the germ from spreading. I have to come back to work because I don’t have much time off.

False, According to the American Academy of Pediatrics Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, the influenza virus can spread from an infected person for about a week after infection.


Yes, kids get sick from others kids, but as a parent who comes in contact with two children, an early childhood educator who comes in contact with ten children, an elementary school teacher who comes in contact with twenty children or a high school teacher who comes into contact with one-hundred children daily, you may end up the one who seeds your community with a potentially deadly illness.  Right now, flu vaccine clinics are as plentiful as Starbucks. Hit that CVS or Walgreens on the way home, wander into your doctor’s or grab a shot while you get groceries.  By protecting yourself from the flu, you protect the children you care for.


Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD

© 2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠

Evaluating Vaccine Sites on the Internet

A concerned parent wrote to us:

Can you please read this and comment?www.thinktwice. com.
I’m terrified to vaccinate due to sites like these. There seems to be many horrifying stories out there to what happens to kids after getting vaccines. If the chance of them getting these diseases is small, is it worth taking the risk of them suffering these near death or death experiences?

Here is our response:


Dear Concerned,

We looked at the web site you sent to us. When evaluating the merit of information that you read on the internet, it is important to know the source of the information. The thinktwice site has an easy to read disclaimer. To highlight: the founders of the site explain that they are NOT medical professionals and that they do NOT give medical advice. They refer their readers to “licensed medical professionals” for medical advice. In addition, they acknowledge that their site is NOT endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or the US Center for Disease Control (CDC). In fact, they refer their readers to these organizations for vaccine information and advice. They post “information” that will certainly cause a stir on the internet but actually defer to well established medical experts at the AAP, the CDC, and the FDA for definitive advice about vaccines. If you investigate those sites,  you would find that all  of the organizations actually endorse the use of vaccines.  

It makes sense to consult experts in the field for any problem that you have. When researching a health care issue, actresses, political figures, and web site sponsors, while experts in knowing their own children, are not medical professionals. If, for example, we had a car problem, we would consult a mechanic. We would not read testimonials of car owners on the internet to figure out how to fix a car. If we did not trust our mechanic’s recommendation, we would get a second opinion from another car expert.

Doctors are trained to evaluate evidence. We are medical professionals who read all the medical textbooks for you. Pediatricians go to school and train for nearly a quarter of a century before they even begin practicing on their own. We base our medical advice on the pediatric standards set forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics. These standards represent consensus of thousands of pediatricians who dedicate their lives to improving the well being of children. We would never support a practice that causes more harm than good.

If you are moved by testimonials, then you should also read testimonials of parents whose children were not vaccinated and then died or suffered disability from vaccine preventable diseases:, In addition, we encourage you to read our own vaccine posts: How Vaccines Work and Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Please visit the websites we provide in these articles for more information about vaccines.

Experts in pediatrics have evaluated data based on millions of vaccine doses given to millions of children. The evidence shows that the benefits of vaccines outweigh risk of harm.  Think of seat belts. You may imagine that your child’s neck may get caught in a seat belt, but you would never let your child go without a seatbelt.  The reason is that rather than trust a “feeling” that theoretically the seat belt could cause harm, we know from evidence, data, and experience that seatbelts save lives.

Vaccines are a gift of protection against childhood disease. As moms, both of us vaccinated our own children on time according to the standard schedule. Tragically, the more parents don’t vaccinate, the easier it will be for all of our children to contract these preventable and often deadly disease. Proof of this is California’s current whooping cough epidemic which has killed six infants so far. Most of the illness is breaking out in areas where parents stopped vaccinating their children.

If you are wondering about the merits of a web site, try to cross reference the information with organizations which set medical standards such as The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control, and your local Children’s Hospital.  And of course, you can always ask your pediatrician.

By asking questions you are being a responsible parent. 

Keep on asking.

Julie Kardos, MD with Naline Lai, MD
© 2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠

Rotten News: A Salmonella Story

Eeew! Pictured is the raw chicken I left sitting out in a pot for a day (inadvertently, of course).  The putrid mess was teaming with germs and amongst them was probably salmonella. This bacteria is in the news because of the thousands of eggs recently recalled for contamination (Centers for Disease Control , New York Times, National Public Radio.)


Non-typhoidal Salmonella usually causes fever and crampy diarrhea.  This stomach bug mainly lurks in raw poultry, raw eggs, raw beef, and unpasturized dairy products. Luckily, salmonella does not jump up and attack humans. People are safe from disease as long as they do not eat salmonella-infested food.


In the case of my pot of rotten chicken, the obvious stench warned me that it was inedible.  However, salmonella often hides in food and it is difficult to tell what is or is not contaminated.  A perfectly fine looking egg may harbor the germ. Even before this outbreak, the Centers for Disease Control estimates in the United States as many as 1 in 50 people are exposed to a contaminated egg each year.


Luckily salmonella is killed by heat and bleach.  Even if an egg has salmonella, adequate cooking will destroy the bacteria. Gone are the days when parents can feed kids soft boiled eggs in a silver cup, have kids wipe up with toast the yolk from a sunny-side up egg, or add a raw egg to a milkshake.  Instead, cook your hardboiled eggs until the yolks are green and crumble, and tolerate a little crispness to your scrambled eggs.  Wash all utensils well. The disinfecting solution used in childcare centers of ¼ cup bleach to 1 gallon water works well to sanitize counters. Do not keep perishable food, even if it is cooked, out at room temperature for more than two hours.

A mom once called me frantic because her child had just happily eaten a half-cooked chicken nugget. What if this happens to your child? Don’t panic. Watch for symptoms — the onset of diarrhea from salmonella is usually between 12 to 36 hours after exposure but can occur up to three days later.  The diarrhea can last up to 5-7 days. If symptoms occur, the general recommendation is to ride it out. Prevent dehydration by giving plenty of fluids. My simple rule to prevent dehydration is that more must go in than comes out. 


According to the American Academy of Pediatric’s 2009 infectious diseases report, antibiotic treatment may be considered for unusually severe symptoms or if your child is at risk for overwhelming infection. People at high risk for overwhelming disease include infants younger than three months old and those with abnormal immune systems (cancer, HIV, Sickle Cell disease, kids taking daily steroids for other illnesses). Using antibiotics in a typical case of salmonella not only promotes general antibiotic resistance, but in fact does not shorten the time frame for the illness. Also, the medication can prolong how long your child carries the germ in his stool.


I ended up tying the chicken up, pot and all, in a plastic grocery bag and throwing out the whole mess.  Don’t tell my husband, he is the kind of guy who gets annoyed because I throw out germy sponges on a frequent basis. If he knew, he’d probably want me to at least keep the pot. Yuck.

Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD

©2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠

Packing your child’s school lunch: Beware of junk food disguised as healthy food

Need ideas on what to pack in your child’s lunch bag? Beware of junk food masquerading as healthy food. Dr. Roxanne Sukol, an internist who writes the popular nutrition blog Your Health is on Your Plate , mom of three children, and friend of Dr. Kardos’s from medical school, shares her insights…

What should we pack in our children’s lunch bags?  The key to retraining our children to eat real food is to restore historical patterns of food consumption.  My great-grandparents didn’t eat potato chips, corn chips, sun chips, or moon chips.  They ate a slice of whole-grain rye bread with a generous smear of butter or cream cheese.  They didn’t eat fruit roll-ups.  They ate apricots, peaches, plums, and grapes.  Fresh or dried.  Depending on where your family originated, you might have eaten a thick slice of Mexican white cheese (queso blanco), or a generous wedge of cheddar cheese, or brie.  Sunflower seeds, dried apples, roasted almonds.  Peanut butter or almond butter.  Small containers of yogurt.  Slices of cucumbers, pickles, or peppers.  All of these make good snacks or meals.  My mom is proud to have given me slices of Swiss cheese when I was a hungry toddler out for a stroll with my baby brother.  Maybe that’s how I ended up where I am today.

When my own children were toddlers, I gave them tiny cubes of frozen tofu to grasp and eat.  I packed school lunches with variations on the following theme:  1) a sandwich made with whole grain bread, 2) a container of fruit (usually apple slices, orange slices, kiwi slices, berries, or slices of pear), and 3) a small bag of homemade trail mix (usually peanuts + raisins).  The sandwich was usually turkey, mayo and lettuce; or sliced Jarlsberg cheese, sliced tomato, and cream cheese; or tuna; or peanut butter, sometimes with thin slices of banana.  On Fridays I often included a treat, like a few small chocolates. 

Homemade trail mix is one terrific snack.  It can be made with any combination of nuts, seeds, and/or dried fruit, plus bits of dark chocolate if desired.  Remember that dark chocolate is good for you (in small amounts).  Dried apple slices, apricots, kiwi or banana chips, raisins, and currants are nutritious and delicious, and so are pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, especially of course in homes with nut allergies.  Trail mix can be simple or involved.  Fill and secure baggies with ¼ cup servings, and refrigerate them in a closed container until it’s time to make more.  I would include grains, like rolled oats, only for children who are active and slender.

If possible (and I do know it’s a big “if”), the best way to get kids interested in increasing the amount of real food they eat is to involve them in its preparation.  That might mean smearing their own peanut butter on celery sticks before popping them into the bag.  It might mean taking slices of the very veggies they helped carry at the weekly farmer’s market.  Kids are more likely to eat the berries in their lunch bag if they picked them themselves.  There’s a much greater chance they’ll eat kohlrabi if they helped you peel it, slice it, or squeeze a fresh lemon over it.  That’s the key to healthy eating.

What do I consider junk food?  Chips of all kinds, as well as those “100 calorie packs,” which are invariably filled with 100 calories of refined carbohydrate (white flour and sugar) in the form of crackers (®Ritz), cereal (®Chex), or cookies (®Chips Ahoy).

You can even find junk food snacks for babies and toddlers now:  The main ingredients in popular ®Gerber Puffs are refined flour and sugar.  Reviewers tout: “You just peel off the top and pour when you need some pieces of food, then replace the cap and wait for the next feeding opportunity.” [Are we at the zoo?] “He would eat them all day long if I let him.” [This is not a benefit.  It means that the product is not nutritious enough to satisfy the child’s hunger.]

Beware not only of drinks that contain minimal amounts of juice, but also of juice itself.  Even 100% fruit juice is simply a concentrated sugar-delivery system.  A much better approach is to teach children to drink water when they are thirsty, (See my post entitled One Step at a Time) and to snack on fresh fruit when they are hungry.  Milk works, too, especially if they are both hungry and thirsty!

© 2010 Roxanne B. Sukol, MD, MS

TeachMed, LLC

Reprinted with permission in edited form for Two Peds in a Pod

Roxanne B. Sukol, MD is a 1995 graduate of Case Western Reserve School of Medicine.  She is board-certified in Internal Medicine and practices in suburban Cleveland, Ohio.  With special interests in the prevention and management of diabetes and obesity, Dr. Sukol writes the blog Your Health is on Your Plate .  Because her patients (the grown-ups) are the ones packing the school lunches for our patients, we thank her for this post.

Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD

Oy! Soy! Will it girlify your boy?

Debunking myths about soy, our guest blogger today is esteemed pediatrician Dr. Roy Benaroch. In practice near Atlanta, Georgia, he is an assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at Emory University, a father of three, and the author  of The Guide to Getting the Best Health Care for your Child  and Solving Health and Behavioral Problems from Birth through Preschool . We enjoy his blog The Pediatric Insider  and we think you will enjoy the except below.

Drs. Lai and Kardos


From LeeAnn: “Are soybeans (edamame) safe for my 11 year old daughter to eat? I have heard that they can ‘mess with’ her hormones?”

You want to see a freakshow? Try googling this topic. I found one essay, on a “news” site, that blamed soy products for everything from stroke to vision loss to homosexuality. On the other hand, other authors love soy: it will apparently prevent heart attacks, improve the symptoms of menopause, and help flush the toxins out of your body while improving your sex drive (women) and fracture healing (men.) On one site, in two adjacent paragraphs, I found a breathless author worrying that soy could cause breast cancer, followed by a second paragraph extolling its virtues in preventing breast cancer.


Soybeans contain a group of chemicals called “phytoestrogens” (sometimes called “isoflavones”) that are chemically somewhat similar to human estrogen hormones. In the 1970’s and 1980’s, some research showed that in the laboratory, these compounds could activate human estrogen receptors, presumably causing estrogen-like effects. So that’s the germ of truth.

But these phytoestrogens activate human estrogen receptors very, very weakly. They’re also easily broken down by cooking and processing, and by enzymes in the human body. It would take a tremendous amount of soy, eaten every day, to have anything close to a genuine hormonal effect. No human study has shown anything close to a measurable effect of consuming soy, at least not in ordinary amounts.

So: enjoy your edamame, tofu, and soy burgers. If you want to be super-careful, just don’t do all of this on the same day.

The Pediatric Insider

© 2010 Roy Benaroch, MD
Printed with permission in Two Peds in a Pod


What could be lurking in your pool-Cryptosporidium

We welcome guest blogger Dr. Alissa Packer who informs us about Cryptosporidium.

-Drs. Kardos and Lai

Here in the state of Utah we are starting to see cases of Cryptosporidium crop up. “Crypto” is a nasty bug that hides in water (both drinking and recreational), is resistant to chlorine, and caused a massive diarrhea outbreak in 2007.  Crypto is present throughout the United States and originates in the stool of an infected human or animal. The little germs then hunker down in the closest water, soil, or food, just waiting for their next host. 

If your little one becomes that next host you can look forward to diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, fever, nausea and weight loss. Symptoms occur 2 to 10 days after becoming infected. These symptoms typically last, on and off, for 1 to 2 weeks. Not everyone exposed will develop symptoms–some lucky ones will be just fine.

So, does that mean you need to ditch your summer pass to the pool? Give up your fresh raspberries?  Skip that trip to the lake? Probably not. Find out how your local pool treats for crypto and what their policies are regarding swim diapers. Ultraviolet (UV) treatment is better than chlorine, and requiring swim diapers is probably a good thing. Thoroughly wash all fresh fruits and vegetables. Use common sense with good hand washing. And make sure the lake water is adequately treated before drinking it—or better yet, bring your own drinking water.

If you think your child may have crypto, visit your pediatrician so he or she can test your child’s stool. The test is a little tricky and may require a few different stool samples over several days.  If it turns out to be crypto there is a medication called nitazoxanide that can help. Also try to keep your child tanked up on fluids. A hydrated child is a happy child.

Hopefully we won’t see the same kind of outbreak we did in 2007…but if we do, you’ll be prepared.

Alissa Packer, MD
Dr. Packer is a pediatrician and mom in West Jordan, Utah. She loves kids- both the snotty nosed and the well kind, the outdoors, and good books. The above post was expanded from her original post in her wonderful blog at: .  

©2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠

How will my own childhood impact how I raise my children?

Earlier in the month I attended a developmental pediatrics conference in Philadelphia. The keynote speaker, Barry Zuckerman MD, professor and chairman of pediatrics at Boston University, raised a set of thoughtful questions. Parents can use the answers as a starting point for understanding how they were raised. Here are some of the questions with modifications:


        -What was it like growing up? Who was in your family? Who raised you?


        -Do you plan to raise your child like your parents raised you?


        -How did your relationship with your family evolve throughout your youth?

How did your relationship with your caregivers (mother/father/aunt/grandparent/etc) differ from each other? What did you like or not like about each relationship?

Did you ever feel rejected or threatened by your parents? What sort of influence do they now have on your life?

Did anyone significant die during your youth? What was your earliest separation from your parents like? Were there any prolonged separations?

If there were difficult times during your childhood, were there positive role models in or outside your home that you could depend on?


Some of these questions may be tougher than others to answer. Ultimately you are not your parents (although you may feel otherwise when you hear a familiar phrase escape your own lips), and likewise your children are not you. Parenting techniques that worked, or did not work, for your parents will not necessarily work, or not work, for you. However, stopping to reflect on your own youth will help you understand why you parent the way that you do.


Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD

© 2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠



When potty training gets hard: constipation

help your child with constipation - count squares while she sits on the toiletUnfortunately, constipation and potty training go together.

This should come as no surprise. Let’s consider the two favorite words of two and three-year-olds:
“Mine,” and “No.”

Now think of how these words apply to a toddler who is starting to understand the purpose of the potty. The well meaning parent says, “Honey, we want you to put your poop to the potty.”

For many toddlers, the answer is… “NO! MINE!”

The problem begins when the toddler is determined NOT to give up her own poop. The longer your child holds in the poop, the harder and more difficult it will be to pass the poop. Thus, a vicious cycle begins. Your child finds pooping painful and scary. This cycle must be interrupted. Here are some tips:

Stop potty training and go back to diapers.

Before you groan at this suggestion, hear this story:  The parents of one 2 ½-year-old were pleased that all “pee pee” was making it into the potty, but dismayed that she demanded a Pull-Up for poop. I suggested that she should wear diapers full time, and when pee AND poop go in the potty, then the princess underwear would come back. The child responded to me, “That isn’t very nice!” But guess what? That night, she pooped in the potty. Of course, her baby sibling is due in a few weeks, so we’ll see if success continues…  but regression with new babies is a topic for another blog post.

Make the poop easy to pass.
Use natural interventions: increase water throughout the day and give undiluted juice such as prune, pear, apple, or pineapple (the other juices don’t hurt but do not actually help the cause) once a day. Offer fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and high fiber cereals (just read the labels, try for more than 3 grams per serving).  Encourage exercise.

Practice regular potty/toilet sitting.

Catch the poop when it’s naturally likely to come.  The most likely time a toddler will poop is just after eating because of the gastrocolic reflex, a reflex which causes the bowels to move after eating. After every meal, have your potty trainer sit for 2-5 minutes. Treat this as a house rule. Read a book on the potty or tell stories to help pass the time.

Teach your child to prioritize pooping over playing.
If kids “really have to go” but they are busy playing, they will hold in the poop to avoid interruption. Watch for signs of a need to defecate such as squirming (better known as the potty dance) or hiding. To avoid a power struggle, say something like, “The poop wants to come out, let’s go,” rather than, “Do you want to go to the potty now?” and reward the child for sitting, not for producing.

Some over-the-counter products can help. You should discuss dosing, timing, risks, and benefits of each with your child’s health care provider before choosing. Medicines include:

  • Mineral oil: mix with something that tastes good such as juice or chocolate milk.  The brand Kondremul tastes sweet and is hidden easily in milk because it’s white. Mineral Oil makes poop so slippery that even a determined toddler will not “hold it.”
  • Polyethyleneglycol (PEG) 3350 (Miralax):  with a prescribed amount of liquid, it has no taste and pulls extra water into the bowels so that the poop stays soft.
  • Glycerin suppositories:  can be the “quick fix” step before you have to resort to enemas, which are more traumatic.
  • Children’s laxatives such as Milk of Magnesia.
  • Senna-containing products – in the past there were concerns of bowel dependency with long-term use. This concern has been questioned by specialists. Ask your doctor about the products.

At one potty training child’s three year birthday party, the poor birthday boy spent half his party trying to pass a large hard poop, the result of several days of withholding. After one small glycerin suppository and a large amount of anxiety, he rejoined his friends; leaving his parents feeling guilty that they had not paid attention to his pooping frequency prior to the party. While the goal is for our children to be completely independent potty users, we have to help our potty trainers by keeping track of the frequency and consistency of their poop in order to prevent a withholding/painful pooping/constipation cycle from starting.

Be alert to potential medical causes of constipation (as opposed to behavioral or situational) and consult your child’s health care provider if you can’t seem to remedy the problem.

In the world of young potty trainers, try to avoid power struggles, “keep things moving,” make things soft and easy, and remember that this too shall pass.

Julie Kardos, MD with Naline Lai, MD
© 2010 Two Peds in a Pod®
updated 2017