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  • Diaper Rash-don’t be bummed

    this post has been updated, please visit here Despite what your grandmother says, teething is not the underlying cause of diaper rash. The underlying cause of all diaper rash is, well…the diaper.…

  • Prevent colds and flu!

    We have seen many patients with nasty colds lately, and we know that a few cases of flu recently popped up in our area of the United States.  Take a look at…

  • Go Team! More breast feeding tips

      Even if breastfeeding is going great for you early on, it’s still normal to feel more tired than ever before. Today, pediatrician and breast feeding expert Dr. Esther Chung gives motivating…

  • Baby sleep positioners kill

    Because we couldn’t have said it better ourselves, today we share pediatrician blogger Dr. Roy Benaroch’s post from his pediatric blog, The Pediatric Insider.  In practice near Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Benaroch is…

  • Tips on formula feeding

    Many families know from the start  they plan to formula feed their babies. For some, this decision is based on the mom’s medical condition which precludes breastfeeding. Some base the decision  on…

  • Breastfeeding: the first two weeks

      I always tell new moms that if you can breastfeed for two weeks, then you can breastfeed for two years. The point is, while our species has been breastfeeding for millions…

  • Spit-up in babies: Spew and Eew

    In my office, two-month-old Max smiles ear to ear, naked except for a diaper and a bib. His worried mom asks me about the large amounts of spit up Max spews forth daily.…

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