We’re on Happy Healthy Kids! 12 Healthy Gift Ideas…
Young adults
Nearly seven years ago, on the swimming pool bleachers at the local Y, I happened to sit next to Lexi Logan. Above the echoing din of kids splashing, I discovered that although she…
This week Two Peds joined Kelley on her blog Happy Health Kids as she talked about the dreaded phrase, “My belly hurts.” If I crunched the numbers on how often my kids…
Today , Dr. Lai shares with us the texting guidelines she will be giving to her daughter as she goes away for college (wasn’t kindergarten just yesterday?). We can all learn from this…
Recently we’ve had a parade of itchy children troop through our office. The culprit: poison ivy. Myth buster: Fortunately, poison ivy is NOT contagious. You can catch poison ivy ONLY from the plant,…
We interrupt your summer to bring you a Flu vaccine reminder and update. Although flu (influenza) may be far from your minds, as we enter hot July, pediatricians are already ordering flu…
From the start, a family I know was suspicious of the hot tub sanitation at the resort where they recently stayed. As time went by, even though the water looked clear,…
This Mother’s Day, we honor Dr. Kardos’s mom, who passed earlier this year. Dr. Kardos and I had been planning a post on nasal congestion in kids, but because we couldn’t have…
I was greatly relieved recently when my teen arrived back from a music department trip to Disney without a sunburn. I had pictured a bright red cherry tomato coming off the plane.…
Lately, whenever I take my dog for her walk, she sneezes as soon as we get outside. I find it interesting that my vet says I can give her Claritin—the same dose that I take for my…